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Why is human translation better than machine translation?
In today's digital age, AI is gaining ground in every field. When it comes to translation of any document or legal, it becomes a matter of thought as can be seen from the question Why is human translation better than machine translation? From this, it seems that there are some fields where we have to rely more on a human translator.
Understanding the Fundamental Differences.
Human Translation: When a human translator translates a written document, Have a deep understanding of every single word, what is said in which statement, and what kind of colloquial language is used if the written text in a document is not understood so the human translator can understand it
The work of a human translator is mostly done in the government or legal department. Any important document is translated very minutely, in which many local languages are used and some idioms are also used, so after all this understanding, a human translator can use it.
Translation: Machine translation or AI-based
translation has a database of all the languages and by just giving a prompt
related to the language, it starts the process of translation in that language.
For example, if you want to translate a business proposal from English to
Japanese, then you just need to do a few steps. Translation will be received in
But there is a problem with this whenever you go to translate any important document, there are some complex words in this document that the machine cannot translate correctly. It operates based on predefined rules and statistical models. This often results in literal translations that lack coherence, accuracy, and cultural sensitivity. It struggles with complex sentence structures, idiomatic expressions, and ambiguous phrases, leading to errors and misunderstandings in the translated content.
The Case for Human Translation
and Precision
Whenever a human translator starts translating someone into another language, the first thing the person does is ask what type of document is to be translated and if any local colloquial language has been used in that language. Understanding and translating it into the local language can only be done by a human translator. He takes complete information from the other party, understands all its points, and carries out the process of translation in a better way, which machine translation cannot do.
Contextual Understanding means that whenever any translation process is started through human translation, whatever is to be translated like English to Arabic, then all the English words used in the slang document are exactly as per their requirement. Translation should be in words and slang only, there should not be any kind of error in it. This type of work is often done in legal government where special attention is given to these things, hence in these cases, we cannot rely on machine translation.
Cultural sensitivity means cultural
sensitivity of a language is important because whenever a human translator
starts the process of translation in any language, they have to do the
translation process keeping in mind the cultural sensitivity of the country in
which it is included. Active listening, being open-minded, respecting
boundaries, and communicating clearly. It also includes withholding judgment on
inter-cultural practices and dealing effectively with cultural differences.
If we talk about machine translation, it is not completely capable of complying with cultural sensitivity because machine translators are only able to catch the local dialogue or any complex idiom of any different language, due to which there are important legal or legal issues. Government document translation is done by an experienced human translator.
At the end of this article, I would like to say that there are some industries in the field of translation in which you will have to turn to a human translator, whether it is the work of a government department or your international business, all these also include legal letters, international virtual conferences, audio translation where any Translation into other languages continues, including important dialogues. Machine translation is also right in its place. In today's time, there are many small tasks in which machine translation works perfectly.